Sebastian Abboud

Proud to host a talented skateboarding, experimental artist and twin-dad: meet Sebastian

Tell us a little about yourself, where you live and a bit about your life at this moment in time?
I’m a freelance designer and illustrator in Nanaimo, BC, Canada where I live with my wife Maxine and twin toddlers Sam and Julian. Outside of freelancing, I teach design and illustration courses part-time at the local university. My life is a hectic balance, but we make it work!

How long have you been an artist for? Was it something you always wanted to do?
I’ve been making art pretty consistently for 9-years or so now. I started my career in graphic design, and later shifted primarily towards art and illustration once I went freelance in 2013. I wasn’t too interested in art growing up, for me it was more about sports and skateboarding. These days, I really just love the process of making stuff, and experimenting with art.

If you weren’t an artist, what would you do instead?
Good question! I’ve always thought that if things go sideways I’d pick up cabinetry and woodworking so maybe something along those lines.

What’s happening in your near future?
I’m just starting a year-leave from my teaching duties, so I plan to pick up some more freelance and work towards an art show hopefully in the not-too-distant future. We’re about to head into the rainy season here on Vancouver Island, so more indoor art session times ahead for sure.

What has been your career highlight so far?
I’m not sure I have one. I pretty much just wing it most of the time, but I’m proud of working with some pretty big-time clients in the past couple years such as Google, Snapchat, Adobe, Figma and Upwork. It’s nice working with kind and talented people!

“I wasn’t too interested in art growing up, for me it was more about sports and skateboarding. These days, I really just love the process of making stuff, and experimenting with art.”

What is a work tool you couldn’t live without?
Pencil and paper hands down. I’d be lost without them.

Outside of work, who inspires you a lot?
We spend a lot of time reading kids' books these days, so I feel like that’s been bleeding into my work in some subconscious way, for sure. I’m inspired by having fun, being outside, music, my family, friends, the internet, books, etc. Everything in some way.

What do you do when you have artist’s block?
Go for a walk for sure, maybe listen to a podcast, or just do literally anything else and come back to it later.

What is your favourite book or movie? Or both!
My favourite book is my sketchbook, does that count? Movie-wise, probably the Big Lebowski. Dude abides.

“I’m inspired by having fun, being outside, music, my family, friends, the internet, books, etc. Everything in some way.”

Where's your favourite place in the world? Why?
My house, I like staying home. I’ve loved travelling to Hawaii, France, Germany and Bali though.

What do you do to relax and have fun away from your work?
Play music, watch TV, bike rides, play with my kids, and draw. My work is also my fun, it’s a pretty chill life, to sit and draw and click around all day.

Do you have any interesting projects or exhibitions coming up?
I’ve got a puzzle coming out soon, which I’m stoked about. Hopefully next year I’ll get an art show going, once I figure out what to make…